bookings vs backlog

Most higher-ups rely on inconsistent information and data that are not updated regularly enough. This leads to poor business decision-making and thus performance too. This means that you can optimize processes in all areas, not just one. When Apple (AAPL) debuted the iPhone X, a 10th-anniversary edition of the iPhone, in October 2017, overwhelming initial demand for the phone created a weeks-long backlog on pre-orders.

bookings vs backlog

In fact, using economical finops platforms like TrueRev can help you calculate deferred revenue and see future cash flows in real time with ease. While bookings and backlog are important indicators for future cash flows, billings are especially important as they represent actual cash flow each month. By having a 360° view of your business, you’ll understand the wide-ranging ups and downs of your data and take action accordingly. For example, an increase in the book to bill ratio in a given geography may mean you need to globally reallocate Operations resources. Your employees continue to work smoothly and your company’s bottom line isn’t negatively impacted–in fact, you may even notice an increase as you work together more effectively!

Why is Revenue Recognition Important?

The backlog represents unfinished or pending work, while bookings signify confirmed sales or orders that generate revenue. Both factors require careful management to ensure business success. It’s important for businesses to strike a balance between backlog and bookings. While a healthy backlog indicates a steady flow of work and potential revenue, an excessive backlog can negatively impact operations, customer satisfaction, and financial stability. Finding the right equilibrium is key to ensuring optimal performance and growth. While a sizeable backlog may indicate a healthy demand for products or services, it’s crucial to address it in a timely manner to prevent bottlenecks and maintain customer satisfaction.

  • This can help you optimize your business processes in all areas of your organization, not just one or two.
  • By analyzing bookings data, businesses can forecast revenue, plan resource allocation, and make informed decisions about future investments.
  • Many software companies don’t appreciate the value of tracking backlog closely or reporting it clearly.
  • In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to demystify the concepts of backlog and bookings, uncovering their significance and how they shape the landscape of modern businesses.

Two clients once again, but this time they are larger deals, indicating an acceleration in sales momentum. In the world of business, accurate sales forecasting is what guides organizations through dynamic market landscapes. Staying ahead in business requires not just strategic planning but also leveraging the right tools. When it comes to sales forecasting, the right software can make all the difference. On the other hand, however, if the size of your backlog is decreasing then there is likely to be a problem. Issues could mean your sales have dropped or could be related to market trends, supply chain, and many other areas.

The first benefit to sharing your data across your company is that your employees will get a 360° view of your business. They’ll no longer be solely focused on their department or area of expertise. Everyone will be able to interact and visualize the data, asking and answering business-critical questions quickly. Do you have access to the right information about your company that will help you enable its success?

Financial Recovery Strategies: Bouncing Back

Typically, this level of production is right in line with the demand for the company’s shirts, as it receives approximately 1,000 daily orders. The term backlog is used to indicate the existing workload that exceeds the production capacity of a firm or department, often used in construction or manufacturing. Jade can also provide you with specialized training so that your own staff can create visualizations that are unique to your business. These Tableau « Jedi’s » know your business better than anyone, and can easily create visualizations that speak to your needs and requirements. Regardless of the actual tool they’re using, each department is probably doing it on their own, and only sharing the information with their immediate internal customers/departments.

Therefore, the $6 million billing is divided by 12 months, resulting in $500,000 in revenue being recognized each month over the term of the contract. If a company’s billing cycle is on a monthly basis, it is necessary to use ACV as opposed to TCV to determine the amount billed per month. Bookings are a SaaS metric that represents the value 7 questions to ask before buying a business of a customer contract with a contractual spending commitment, most often structured as an annual or multi-year agreement. Billings are based on when the customer receives the invoice and when it is due. Billings could be once per month, once per year, once per 6 months, or any other frequency that NewNew decides works best for customers.

Comparing Backlog and Bookings

Similarly, while an abundance of bookings may bring short-term success, businesses must ensure they have the capacity to fulfill them and deliver on their promises. Managing backlog and maximizing bookings are key strategies that businesses employ to ensure smooth operations, maintain customer satisfaction, and drive long-term success. Bookings play a vital role in forecasting future revenue and informing business decisions. They provide a clear picture of the future demand and revenue-generating potential.

  • It’s important for businesses to strike a balance between backlog and bookings.
  • It involves prioritizing and addressing the outstanding tasks or orders based on their importance, urgency, and available resources.
  • With that, let’s dive in to see how a booking becomes an invoice and then recognized revenue.
  • I’ve been a SaaS CFO for 8+ years and began my career in the FP&A function.

This is a snapshot of just how different these metrics can be despite being related to each other. Head here to dive deeper into the world of SaaS reporting and metrics analytics. Be careful with contract language that may nullify a multi-year contract. For example, I look for language around optional years, early outs, termination without cause, or contingencies. Get instant access to video lessons taught by experienced investment bankers. Learn financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel shortcuts.

Why are Bookings Important in the SaaS Industry?

Contract values are often quoted in presentations, internal management reports, and are requested in due diligence. With that said, struggling B2B software companies usually “bleed out” in a slow, gradual process, rather than an abrupt collapse in a single year, albeit there certainly are exceptions. For Customer A, the $6 million was received upfront, however, the revenue is only “earned” (and recognized) one month at a time.

Without cash flowing, a business cannot operate, regardless of what cash is promised in the future. This is why billings is such an important metric for SaaS founders. Using your BBB data, you can look at historical trends to judge how your business efforts might go in the future. It can give you an idea of whether your processes are working and can even tell you if you need to up inventory for the coming financial period. Commonly, two additional elements are also considered when looking at the BBB metrics. Before we get to that, let’s take a look at the definitions of booking vs billing vs backlog.

Defining Backlog: The Weight of Unfulfilled Demand

If you target mid-market and enterprise deals or sign contracts with your customers, this post is especially relevant for you. If your customers sign up via your website and pay by credit card, the bookings terminology may not be as relevant. But after the bookings process, the revenue cycle follows the same general process.

SaaS Business Model: Bookings vs. Billings vs. Revenue (GAAP)

It involves prioritizing and addressing the outstanding tasks or orders based on their importance, urgency, and available resources. By managing the backlog effectively, organizations can ensure that customer demands are met in a timely manner and prevent the buildup of unfulfilled requests. Now that we have a clearer understanding of backlog and bookings, it’s time to explore their differences, similarities, and the impact they have on businesses. While both terms revolve around work and revenue, they represent different stages of the business cycle. A constructive discussion with buyers about your revenues starts with some common terminology. Unless your terms mean the same, discussions can become confused or worse, misunderstandings develop and your revenues may get undervalued.